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A Reader -work in progress-

I've always been an addicted reader. I read about everything preferring fantasy, thriller, crime, suspense and adventure. Though not much of a reviewer, I 'll let you know what I'm reading and what I think of it ....


Currently reading

Met de Franse slag
Katie Fforde
Progress: 235/325 pages

Jimmy the Hand (Legends of the Riftwar 3)

Jimmy the Hand (Legends of the Riftwar #3) - S.M. Stirling, Raymond E. Feist Intriguing character Jimmy the Hand, Robby, Robert.

Krondor: The Betrayal (Riftwar Legacy Series #1)

Krondor: The Betrayal (The Riftwar Legacy #1) - Raymond E. Feist This was the first time for a Feist book that I wasn't realy drawn into the story.

Prince of the Blood (Krondor's Sons Series #1)

Prince of the Blood - Raymond E. Feist Maybe it's better than the 3 stars show, but it doesn't realy reach the level of the Riftwar and the Empire trilogy. Nevertheless this is still a very good fantasy/adventure book !

Nine Princes in Amber (Chronicles of Amber Series #1)

Nine Princes in Amber - Roger Zelazny Starts off brilliantly with the main character waking up in hospital suffering from loss of memory and trying to figger out what's going on. But slowly the story is getting more and more general, with only little involvement. Towards thye end it's getting better again. It is probably a bit outdated too. 3 stars mainly for the first part.
Land van dromen / druk 1 (Minnesota trilogie) - Vidar Sundstøl I've been struggling a bit with this one. Set in the great lakes Minnesota region, a young norwegian traveller is murdered in a brutal manner. The body is found by the local forest keeper, Lance Hansen, and the murder investigated by the joined forces of FBI and a policeman from Norway. Though this summary looks like a classical who-done-it, the story is not. Many pages are spent with the thoughts of Lance Hansen , who quickly suspect that his brother has something to do with this brutal crime, the mysteries of the old indian country, the history of the scandinavian settlers and the live and love of Lance Hansen himself. The combination of all these different themes, together with the open ending, make this is a quite peculiar book. Though the pace of the story is in many cases very slow, and, at the beginning difficult to dig into, I found the mystery aspect quite interesting. Which makes me want to read the second part of the trilogy, though not exactly right away.
Rastoth (Meester Magiër, #5) - W.J. Maryson The story continues and finaly some tension is built up, though it doesn't represent any surprises nor is it original, I liked reading his part and will immediately start the next one and last part of the series
Fiander (Meester Magiër, #4) - W.J. Maryson After wondering around in (to) many different direction, this part finaly ends with a cliffhanger
Vloch (Meester Magiër, #3) - W.J. Maryson Like the second book of this series, the beginning of this episode (part 3 of the series) is going a bit in all directions , without grasping my attention too much and without building up tension nor interest. This slowly improves towards the end , though the ending is again a bit disappointing. Find 'Vloch' the best of the series sofar (therefor 3 stars). Gives hopes for the next books.
Sperling (Meester Magiër, #1) - W.J. Maryson In this book, the debut of the dutch phantasy author W.J.Maryson (1950-2011) and the first in a series of six, the author has created a fantasy world (Aiden) where the old battle between good and bad is finding a new culmination. In the tradition of Tolkien, a fellowship of 9 people is being formed for a quest to find the magical artifacts : 5 swords and a book , necessary to keep a chance of resisting the re-awakening dark forces. The story and this first book are not realy original and some of the book is more like work in progress, nevertheless as the story continuous one would like to now where it is going and how it will end. So up for the second book …Rating is more 2.5 than 2 stars
De Opperheer (De Zwarte Magiërs, #3) - Trudi Canavan, Jet Matla Loved it, would like to read some sequel !The story is pretty straigthforward, not realy complicated and well, you can sometimes guess where it's going. But it's very well written, it drags you in and keeps you going till the end. For me it was a very nice read, I'd love to read some sequel to this trilogy ...
De Magiërsleerling (De Zwarte Magiërs, #2) - Trudi Canavan, Jet Matla The adventure continues, straightforward suspense is being built up, I'd like to know how this ends and so I start the third book of the trilogy right away !
Het Magiërsgilde (De Zwarte Magiërs, #1) - Trudi Canavan, Karin Langeveld An uncomplicated adventure book, in a fantasy - medieval setting. It reads like a train. I couldn't wait to start reading the second book of the trilogy !
De Offerplaats  - Tana French, Marjolein van Velzen More like 3.5 for the first part of the book.Liked the first part very much. There are several stories intertwined: the current case, the 'old, mysterious' case of which inspector Ryan was the victim/witness/actor and the Ryan-Maddox interaction. The suspense and mystery slowly builds up and than .... where it should come to a climax, we get to know the answer for the current murdercase....And the story drifts on for another fifty-odd pages...Based on the first part I'd like to check out some more books by Tana French, one in which she manages to keep up the tension and mystery till the end ...
Het Boek van Kennis - W.J. Maryson Final part of this series, which offered looking backward, some good and relaxed reading, without surprisesity , and sometimes lacking originality. So it is with this, most of the time predictable last part.